We are launching our membership soon.
Sign-up for early access to our Young Friends Tribe
Plus: get regular updates, news and top-tips about becoming a sustainable early years setting.
Be one of the first to subscribe to Young Friends Tribe for just £27.00 per month (full price £87.00)
Be inspired by joining the team at Young Friends Kindergarten for a day. Experience how we do sustainability. Observe how the children benefit from our approach. Get personal access to the team to answer your questions and explore your ideas.
Please Contact Us to find out about and book the next training day.
Are you keen to explore in more detail how you can adopt a sustainable ethos in your specific setting? Book a personal consultation with
Louise, Young Friends Tribe Founder.
Consultations individually priced
Plus: get regular updates, news and top-tips about becoming a sustainable early years setting.
Young Friends Tribe
89 Holland Road
East Sussex
t: 01273 735 100
e: enquiries@youngfriendstribe.co.uk